
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Apple Walnut Cinnamon Rolls

I got this recipe from Food Network as I was walking on the treadmill one day. Not a good thing to watch while you are hungry and exercising:) but anyways thought I would try it. This was my second try. The first time I used Grands Cinnamon Rolls and they are too big. You have to use the smaller ones. They are really fast and easy so they are good for breakfast!!!

1 Granny Smith Apple
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
3/4 cup Walnuts (my kids don't like nuts so I don't do quite that much and add them later)
2 TBS. Butter (melted)
2 Tubes (8 count) Cinnamon Rolls
1 container Frosting
1/4 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
2 Tbs. Water

Slice Apple into small pieces. Add brown sugar and walnuts and mix together. Butter 12 ct. muffin tin with butter. Place a small amount of Apple mixture in each tin and place cinnamon roll, cinnamon side down, in each tin on top of apple mixture and press down. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 min. Let sit for a few minutes and invert onto a cookie sheet. Mix frosting with water and pumpkin pie spice. Drizzle over cinnamon rolls and enjoy:)

1 comment:

  1. Sharon so glad you posted!! The cinammon rolls look so yummy!!! I'll have to try this recipe.
