
Thursday, March 11, 2010


Pupusas are a traditional dish from El Salvador. You dish them up salsa and with curtido, which is a Latin type of slaw. I really like these, although I don't get to eat them often.
To make them you are going to need Maseca which is a masa corn flour. You can find it in the Latin section of your grocery store.
2 cups Maseca
1 cup flour
1 and 3/4 cup water
pinch of salt
Mix all ingredients until you have a soft pliable dough (it shouldn't really be sticky). If the dough is sticky add a little more maseca, but not too much because you don't want the masa to be dry.

1/2 cabbage, finely shredded
2-3 carrots, shredded
1/4 c vinegar
1/2 onion
Mix all ingredients and set aside. This has to be prepared hours in advance so that the slaw cures. If you don't have the time and need to make it right away, boil 4 cups of water and pour hot water over the shredded cabbage for about five minutes. Drain, and then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well.

I made mine with cheese (and Jalapenos because I wanted them a little spicy). You can use shredded Mozarella cheese. Pupusas are generally filled with cheese, pork, or refried beans.


You'll need a hot griddle to cook the pupusas on. Grab some masa and begin rolling it into a ball, put a little bit of olive oil on your hands as you roll it. With your fingers make an identation on the masa ball and fill it with your filling of choice. Bring sides of masa in to cover the filling (shape it to a ball again) and then begin to flatten it. Place on hot griddle and let it cook on each side for about five minutes (it might take more or less). Serve hot and top with curtido. Enjoy!


Note: I didn't do this, but you really are supposed to put some oil on the griddle before you place the pupusas to cook.


  1. Dang it, Paty! My mought is watering here! And the worst part is I don't think they've got that kind of flour here in Brazil!!! Who knows, now that I think about it we might just...I'm going to look for it at the grocery store.. =)

  2. Oh, and I think I'm going to try to make it with cheese and green onions..YUM!

  3. Aline amei seu blog novo. Com certeza vou tentar as receitas. Ai que delicia, esta me dando uma fome ...

  4. I love pupusa! I also put red pepper flakes on the curtido, the recipe I use calls for it and it makes it extra delicious!
